Brayden received his new chair. And I am pleased.

We have been living with this one. It can be used for babies and turns into a toddler rocker. It is not a special needs chair. Just a chair I picked up one afternoon at Babies R Us because Brayden needed a place to sit and the normal baby bouncer seat could no longer hold him. This little rocker can hold up to 30 pounds. It has worked pretty well for Brayden and he likes it...I do not. If you know me at all then you know that I do not particularly like the baby things with "stuff" on them. I like the simple things in simple colors, preferably neutral colors. I never liked having an exersaucer for Carter and Luke. Those big, bright colored plastic things have been such an eye sore to me. This little blue chair has been used and used by Brayden. It is surprising that it lasted this long, despite the amount of vomit and washing that it has been through.
When the opportunity came to order Brayden a "special" chair, I was excited but still a little weary about having a big ugly chair for him. We were told that it would be blue with a blue base. And we they say blue, they mean bright, bright blue. Do we really need a chair to be a bright color, drawing more attention to the disabled chair? However, I would put up with the bright color despite my love for all neutral colors because Brayden needed a good chair to support him.
The package came (who does not love to find a package at their front door!). I opened it up expecting to find a giant blue thing. I was digging through the packaging and came across this:

It is brown with a wooden like base. I love anything chocolate brown, our sofas in the family room are brown. Brayden's chair fits perfectly with our house.
I like it not only because it looks great and is great for Brayden but because it is more normal. His life sticks out because he is so different. I did not want a chair that would stick out too.
And in case you are wondering it is a chair called the Special Tomato.
I have heard wonderful things about the Special Tomato line of products. His chair is beautiful. I am so glad you got it.
looks very cool - i think i will look into it. btw - what does brayden sit in, in the car? wyatt hates hates hates his car seat. just curious.
I so agree with you. The fact that it is chocolate brown- what a bonus. Oh! The biggest blessings in life are often the simplest things. I can see that chair coming straight from a designer store!! very chic!
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