Monday, November 30, 2009
My Luke is 5
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy down in my heart
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Make a joyful noise
One quiet morning (meaning Carter and Luke were not home and the dog was outside), I put in a Praise Baby movie. Brayden has rarely seen/heard this movie but this day he was having a blast "singing" right along with it like it was his favorite. I had to capture the moment on video.
It is one of the sweetest sounds.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
A bit more up to date
On a side note, you may notice, Brayden feeding pump pole (behind the big orange machine) is decorate with tinsel. He likes the shine of tinsel. Yes we decorate his pole, right now it is pumpkins for the fall...soon something Christmas...once I actually make it to the store to find something.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Want a Label
It would be nice to know something...a label of some sort, a diagnosis.
I get several special needs publications a month. I tend to leaf through them quickly and come back to the articles that I want to read. More often than not there is some article/discussion about labeling people.
Labels are not good. Don't people people in a box. Do not define people by their diagnosis.
I get the point.
While I agree with it to somewhat...I feel like we are on the flip side of that argument. I agree with it when it comes to social interactions but not necessarily when it comes to the medical world. Brayden has no label, no diagnosis.
We have NO road map to help guide us through this. Every new doctor or hospital, we start from scratch. I have a list of at least a dozen things that describe Brayden's medical condition but not just one good label that someone can wrap their head around. No diagnosis, no idea what to do. We have no idea if things are going to get better or worse.
For many months, we have been reacting to bad events. We would like to be proactive rather than waiting around for something bad to happen and then making decisions. If we had some sort of a diagnosis then we could have some guidelines, things to look for, when to push the panic button, ways to help him...not to mention, then the doctors might know what to do.
Having a label/diagnosis is helpful. I know it does not come with step by step instructions and every child is different within that diagnosis, but it gives you something. Something to help your child, prepare for whatever needs may be ahead.
I am not asking for a ribbon to put on my car or a rally to attend, just something to help Brayden in whatever way we can.
No label/diagnosis feels like you are walking in the dark, waiting to bump into something, stub your toe and then realize that was not the right direction. A label could give us a little light (even a minuscule one is better than none) to help us see.
So for now we wait...wait for that label/diagnosis...if it comes at all.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
A story of a dentist visit and a neglectful mom
I was incredibly anxious about the visit for many reasons. Two of Brayden's molars finally came through and looked very gray. How was the dentist going to get in his mouth? Brayden gags and then vomits with just about anything that upsets him, let alone sticking things in his mouth.
Since Brayden does not take anything by mouth and has not for a long time. His teeth take a very, very long time to finally poke out. Going to the dentist has not really been on his list of things that needed to be done...we have been dealing with bigger things.
We scheduled his appointment with the family dentist, not expecting them to be able to do much but at least have a look. Then we could possibly look into a dentist that does sedation or get in the queue for the dental clinic at Children's (which is a really long wait list, no surprise).
We rolled Brayden in the office, did not take him out the wheelchair. I told the dentist my concerns about the teeth looking gray. The dentist went in for a look...with the little mirror and the pick. I started to sweat a little, sure that Brayden was going to start gagging...his teeth were going to be a mess...just not good.
However, the dentist used the pick and scraped out the big gray clumps. It was not his teeth that were gray but something he had vomited (old stomach bile or medicine) that built up on his teeth. Brayden fussed a little but did not get too upset. Brayden's teeth were just fine.
Then came the questions, a version of it...
Dentist: "How do you brush his teeth?"
Me: "Brush his teeth? Umm we do not do that very often."
Dentist, trying to be understanding.
Me: "Just about anything makes him vomit. He already vomits enough so we do not do much to aggravate it."
Dentist: "You should start trying again."
Me: "I know, I have just been chicken (and feeling like a neglectful mom that doesn't brush her child's teeth...who does that?)".
Dentist: "You are on well water, correct? Have you been giving him fluoride?"
Me: "I have not for awhile. His system has been so volatile that we only do important medicines."
Dentist, trying to be understanding: "You should try giving his fluoride again to make his teeth stronger."
Me: "I will."
So there is my confession/neglectful mom moment for the day. We do not brush Brayden's teeth regularly. It is like a huge therapy goal to tolerate a brushing and not vomit. We will start trying again.
Brayden's teeth actual looked pretty good, no problems, despite all of the vomiting, lack of brushing and lack of fluoride.
I promise we will take better care of his teeth.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Clemjontri Party
Waverly and her brother Oliver have terrible disease called Sanfilippo, they have the most aggressive form of it. Each birthday for them is such a milestone.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
A Sore
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Backpack full of goodies
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
We have Lift off
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Neurogenetics Puzzle
We sat and talked and talked with the doctor and her staff for at least an hour. They asked many, many questions and I did my best to answer them all. Brayden is a mystery.
The doctors are looking into a diagnosis for Brayden, perhaps a syndrome or something.
Brayden has many random puzzle pieces that do not fit together.
- He does not sweat.
- Not great body temperature regulation. He gets a fever if too hot. In the winter his hands and feet get purple from being too cold and then his body tried to overcompensate and turns him bright red, swollen and hot.
- He does not have tears when he cries (he is starting to but not very often).
- Pancreatitis (possibly two cases) that cannot be explained.
- Slow motility, if at all with his stomach.
- Of course the vomiting.
- The vomiting getting worse.
- Seizures.
- Lots of brain abnormalities, parts are missing and others are abnormal.
Did his brain not develop or was there something that has happened to cause damage? At first they thought a trauma happened in utereo that stopped development and damaged things. Now they are leaning towards it did not develop at all/developed abnormal.
We are looking for some answers because we have always been reactive...waiting for him to vomit blood and then we take action. He looses too much weight...then we do something. We go to the hospital, adjust medications, formula...all a result of something bad happening.
If we have an idea what Brayden is dealing with then we can be more proactive...possibly doing the ketogenic diet...rather than waiting for something bad to happen only do a temporary fix.
Lots of blood work was done yesterday, looking into metabolic disorders, gene and chromosomal abnormalities. It will take a couple of weeks to get the results.
Brayden is a puzzle.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
A good haircut
God has blessed Brayden with a thick head of hair, over compensating for his little head. He needs a haircut more than I care to do. We tried doing them at home...resulting in Brayden screaming/crying and Jeremy and I doing the same...a disaster. Then we started trying an actual barber shop. He would cry. Then the past few times he would squirm and fuss but at least no screaming. His attendant holds him because I cannot handle making him uncomfortable or cause him stress so it stresses me out to hold him for a haircut.
Well yesterday, he did this...
No his eyes are not just closed during the picture. He is asleep, really asleep and he slept for the entire haircut. The easiest haircut he has ever had.
He woke back up and had a grand time with the robotic Chuckie. He loved the music, the swirling lights and he sang right along.
Friday, November 6, 2009
First School Picture
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Let me push
Monday, November 2, 2009
Trick or Treat or ER
Carter and Luke had a big soccer game (Waterford vs. Waterford). They won 3-1 and Carter scored 2 goals. However during the game Brayden was in an intense seizure. I gave his Diastat, med for bad seizures. It did nothing, in fact the seizure was getting progressively worse. Jeremy was coaching, Carter and Luke playing. I watched the game, watched Brayden. After the game, we quickly rushed home and called the neurologist on call.
Here is my conversation.
Me: "Hi, my 2 year old son, history of seizures, is having a bad seizure. We gave him Diastat and it did not do much."
Neuro: "How much Diastat? How long ago?"
Me: "He is on a low dose at 5 mg and we gave it to him about an hour ago. For a total seizure time of about 1.5 hours. Not a seizure that he is coming in and out of, a seizure that has lasted that long. Can we give him another dose of the Diastat?"
Neuro: "You need to hang up the phone with me and call 911. Since he has been in a seizure that long."
Me: "Really? We cannot just give him another Diastat? He has seizures all that time."
Neuro: "With a seizure that last that long, Diastat is not going to pull him out of it. He needs heavy medication. Now hang up with me and call 911."
Me: "Ok, thanks."
We call 911. They arrive, we know them, we know that medic. They take him to the hospital. We know the doctor, the nurses and the techs.
Jeremy rode with Brayden to ER. I stayed home with Carter and Luke got them ready for trick or treating.
At the ER Brayden was given an IV of Ativan and some oxygen. His o2 levels were not so good and he got the little nose of oxygen. This seizures lately have been effecting his o2 and they have not in the past. The Ativan quickly took affect, Brayden slept and when he woke he was much better.
I got the call Brayden was ready to be discharged. I dropped Carter and Luke off with some friends for trick or treating. I go the hospital pick up Jeremy and Brayden bring them home. I then head out to meet up with Carter and Luke.
Brayden coming off of Ativan has not been pleasant lately. He screams and screams. He screamed himself to sleep after coming home from the ER.
Some where in the midst of Jeremy getting him in bed and me giving Brayden's meds...his J-tube was not plugged in properly. We did not realize this until, oh, 4:30 a.m. The feeding pump had been running all night, not into his intestine but all over his bed. And since his J-tube was wide open, all things in the intestine leaked out. Not good (we have been trying to catch up with his fluids since).
We gave Brayden a bath and settled him back in to bed. Jeremy left for a trip.
A few hours after that I loaded the boys in the car and left for church. Brayden decided to vomit 2x on the way there. Enough that I had to stop the car 2x on the side of the road and take care of the rain. We finally arrived...I was volunteering that morning and was late and flustered.
Oh it was a memorable Halloween. Brayden did have an adorable Halloween shirt that glowed in the dark. Only the ER staff got to see it.
Carter and Luke did make it for trick or treating and had fun (Thanks to the Colemans for helping them have a great Halloween). Check it out.