Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I got away

I went to NYC for the weekend with a friend. I will be back with photos, stories and celebrity spotting but I need to sort through all the the pictures first.

...it was the first time I have left Brayden for more the 24 hours...he did fine...so did Jeremy, Carter and Luke.


Bugg's mama said...

Hi, Sandy just sent me your blog and I'm so grateful! What a treat to read about your special Brayden. My Wyatt is 4, has ACC, seizures (that never stop, either) and Septo-optic Dysplaysia. So nice to meet you! Can't wait to see your new beautiful park!

Love, Bree

Shannon said...

I am so glad you were able to get away for some girl time. I hope you had a fabulous time away!!

Courtney said...

yay! so FUN!

Melissa said...

Glad you got away for some "Carrie" time. You deserve it!