The pharmacy that we use for Brayden is about 40 minutes from our house. The pharmacist and his wife run the shop.
We know them by first name now, as well as the other staff. They have made so many things for Brayden, called his doctors, done research, advocated for certain types of medication, etc.
We have to use a "speciality pharmacy" because of compounding, specially made items because of the ketogenic diet (no sugars/carbs in the medicine...ibuprofens are all coated and that cannot be taken on the keto diet so the pharmacist makes capsules that we can use for Brayden), special things ordered, etc.
The pharmacy that we have been using is now ONLY doing compound prescriptions.
The choice: Do we move everything over to one pharmacy? Or split between two, one for compounding and one for all others?
We want one pharmacy, since we typically need things every 1-2 weeks. Over the past two years he has been on about 15 different medications, not all at the same time, but we need help coordinating his ever changing medications.
I have been calling around. Most pharmacies (Rite Aid, CVS, grocery stores, Walgreens,...) do not do what Brayden needs.
We live in Loudoun County, some what of a suburb to Washington DC. We have lots and lots of things around and always many options. Except for speciality pharmacies. There are now only 3 within a 60 mile radius in VA.
Yesterday, I gathered Brayden medications, which thankfully is at a low right now (5 + several ones we use as needed, ie Diastat), and headed to a new pharmacy.

I drilled the pharmacist with questions:
1. Can you provide these medications?
2. He is on the ketogenic diet, everything MUST be sugar/carb free. Can you make the medications that way?
3. Will you call the doctors to coordinate prescriptions, refills, etc if needed?
4. Can the doctors call and/or fax in prescriptions?
5. How quickly are the orders filled? How quickly are speciality items filled or time needed to order them?
6. If you do not have a medication, can you order it?
7. How many pharmacists are at the location? (I like to get to know them since we deal with specific things and I always have questions)
8. Are pharmacists available by phone for questions?
The new pharmacy answered all of the above questions to my liking.
Final two questions:
9. Do you take our insurance? Then will you process Brayden's supplemental insurance as well?
10. How do we transfer over ALL his prescriptions?
All prescriptions are now at the new pharmacy. Hopefully, it will be a smooth transition. Medications are crucial to Brayden's well being and his daily care, it cannot be messed up.
Yes, I was the crazy mom unloading all those questions in the pharmacy...again, something I never thought I would do...interview a pharmacy.